Friday, September 25, 2009

feedback from the hospital

Lydias Hope, I want to add feedback I received from Shawnee Mission Hospital about the hats and quilts. In keeping with being a faceless volunteer, I pass the items to an employee of the hospital who works in the maternity department. She, in turn gave the following feedback for all of us who need to be encouraged to continue in such a worthwhile project. I received 3 very tiny hats along with the question about whether or not these might be used; this feedback will put that question to rest, and hopefully assure all of you that your efforts are used. (I understood those tiny hats were made by a very young knitter and wanted to give encouragement to her.) Lydia's Hope is taking off even more than I imagined and we give God the glory for providing us with these talents to serve, and for all He is doing to minister to these tiny babies. It is just exciting to be a part of it.


I just wanted to let you know that I took the hats in today and they were so excited! I posted a comment on the site. I did want you to know that they will also be using some of the larger hats for the regular nursery as well.

In fact, one of the hats with the little pink flower on the side went to a couple that has been here off an on for weeks and had at one point stayed for 8 weeks. They are so sweet and dad came out and said that they just loved the hat and wanted to say thank you.

I have gotten some feedback on the hats besides "They are so cute!" The tiny ones are much appreciated as they will go to the little ones who pass away before they are born. Every baby gets a hat. One nurse told me that it is so important to honor that little life and the mommies so appreciate having their little pre-born baby treated with such respect. That had me in tears! Also, they love the chenille yarn and the thicker hats. One comment, if we could pass on to make the hats between 5-6 inches in length, that would be great! They need to cover the little ears.

I am waiting to bring the quilts and blankets in on Monday as the NICU manager is going to try to have Stethascoop (our hospital newsletter) come in and photograph some of the blankets, so hopefully this will generate some more 'Lydias.' Wouldn't that be great! Another tidbit (whew!) - one of the nurses is having a yarn drive and the NICU manager has asked her to talk to me about possibly being a recipient of some of the yarn. Wouldn't that be great? Yeah Lord!!!

I am so excited to see what the Lord will do next. Blessings to you...

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