Monday, November 23, 2009

New Outreach

After just 2 months of receiving hats and quilts/receiving blankets from two different groups, I could see that God was motivating his people to fill a need even greater than I imagined. I had hoped that eventually, this group would grow to the point where we could venture into another hospital's nicu to meet needs, but I didn't expect it so soon. I'm happy to share that with such motivated workers, and the go ahead on the advice of two women working alongside me in this project, I contacted the nicu head at Overland Park Regional Medical Center. She was happy to receive the hats for their preemies. I only hoped we could continue in this effort to serve the community.
As with any new venture, there is an expected understanding of how this ministry operates, and I feel it would be good to share that here. I think it is important for people to know. I am hesitant to call this a ministry because that word is often used when people describe something they 'own.' 'My ministry is'... or 'our ministry is to...' "I'm called..." I'm not here to debate this wording, but I find myself being careful that I do not call something "mine" that God has brought forth. God has stirred up in the hearts of 2 women to put the wheels in motion to organize, God motivated 2 coordinators of knitting and sewing groups, and finally, God gave gifts and talents to people to use in His service, in this case knitting and sewing. This is not 'my ministry' or 'my outreach' but His. Glory to Him, Who calls, Who leads, and Who guides and instructs and gives us the talents and tools to work in His service. Thanks be to God for giving us the will, desire, and the ability. What a privledge to serve Him this way.
With the heart of this outreach revealed, I also need to explain that this is a 'body' ministry. What that means is that there isn't a church represented in this work, but a body of His children working together to serve the community. In a day where there is sometimes division in faith, we have this outreach that works together to serve. I don't wish to be offensive to anyone, but I desire to keep this a group venture. I do not meet the workers of the hospital, I do not see the babies, and the only hospital official I have met is the Overland Park nicu head, and it was a brief meeting in her office. I do not send specific church 'representatives' in with these hats and blankets to keep with it being a body ministry. The point is to be 'givers in secret', and for the people on the receiving end, who do not have an individual or church to thank, they might just thank God for His gifts to them.
Because this goal to remain 'workers in His harvest', rather than 'workers from xyz church, I feel a call can go out to other knitting/ sewing groups across the metro to join hands with Lydia's Hope. I would also ask that each of you involved would pray over this outreach. I have 7 children and I know that they don't often 'play' together very well. My prayer request from all of you is that we would work together as fellow heirs to the Kingdom of God. In your church fellowship, please join together for corporate prayer for these children and their parents who are probably very scared for their premature child. Lastly, please pray that the Lord would send workers.
Matthew 9:38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

1 comment:

  1. It is such a privlege to work with all of you. One of our knitting groups had to drop out to attend to other knitting projects. I'm so happy to have been able to work with that group and understand their knitters are now turning to other worthwhile projects. Thank you for your beautiful handwork given in Jesus' name.
    For the group still working in this service, thank you to for your dedication to this project. I thank God for each and everyone of you.
    I am praying for new workers to keep this momentum going, and feel confident that God will motivate people to serve in His service. This project is, after all, His.
